Mª Félix Bastida, Ph.D.

Dr. Bastida research interest is to understand the interaction and crosstalk among the major signaling pathways operating in limb development. In particular the interactions in the posterior limb bud that lead to the activation of Shh. She found that BMP signalling negatively regulates Shh transcription and that this function is achieved indirectly at least in part by interfering with the FGF and WNT signaling pathways. Since Bmps are known targets of SHH, she described a negative feedback loop operating between BMPs and SHH to control Shh expression. She also showed that Bmp expression is positively regulated by FGF signaling and subject to an auto-regulatory loop therefore placing Bmp activity as an important point of crosstalk between the SHH, WNT and FGF pathways in the posterior limb bud mesoderm. At present she is further exploring the cross-regulation and integration of multiple signaling pathways during limb formation.

Phone: [+34] 942 206799 ext. 127
Email: mariafelix.bastida@unican.es 

Work pictures

Specific expression patterns of different Bmp family members during middle stages of chick wing development.